👋 Hi, I'm Philipp Hansch, a full stack developer currently focusing on Rust where I have contributed over 200 pull requests to Clippy and associated tooling. I appreciate clean and well tested code and enjoy playing with new technology. Feel free to take a look at my writings and resumé as well.


You can find my in-progress Rust work in this GitHub project.
Below is a list of my last 10 merged pull requests.

2024-04-27: Updated CV
2021-02-15: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Upgrade compiletest-rs to 0.6 and tester to 0.9
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2021-02-10: Made a contribution to rustc-test
Allow multiple test filters
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2021-02-10: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Add basic `bless` support
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2021-02-09: Made a contribution to compiletest-rs
Move to GitHub Actions
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2021-02-01: Published new blog post: 'Monthly review: January'
2021-01-31: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
clippy_dev: Pass stderr to CommandFailed
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2021-01-28: Made a contribution to rust
compiletest: Add two more unit tests
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2021-01-06: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Fix derive and macro related false positives in `field_reassign_with_default`
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2021-01-05: Made a contribution to rust-clippy
Tiny Symbol cleanup
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